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Resources to Make Studying Easier
EZmed has helped over 2 MILLION healthcare professionals and students succeed worldwide with online lectures, videos, study guides, and tutoring.
Popular Lectures
Intussusception: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Surgery
Intussusception made easy! Online study guide to supplement your education, degree programs, college courses, or school classes. Review of intussusception definition, causes, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, USMLE and NCLEX buzzwords, and more!
Speech and Language Pediatric Milestones: NCLEX Chart, Nursing Mnemonic
Pediatric milestones made easy with a chart and mnemonic to remember the developmental stages for speech and language. Great for USMLE, NCLEX, nursing, medical, and anyone with an infant, baby, or child wanting to learn more.
Milestones for Gross Motor Development: The Head to Toe Trick
Milestones provide an important guide to development, and fortunately there is a simple trick to remember gross motor skills! Learn the major motor milestones between 0-4 years of age using this easy strategy.
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